


The Castilleja School Mobile Learning group is a team of 17 teachers dedicated to learning more about the potential of highly mobile learning devices as personal learning tools. 
Over the course of the school year, we aim to do the following:
  1. Participate in 4 required face to face discussion and sharing sessions over the course of the year.
  2. Reflect on and document our learning via a publicly accessible, shared community blog space.
  3. Pick 3 additional activities for exploration from the ‘Menu’. Reflect upon these experiences at our group blog.
  4. Serve as ambassadors in the school community in a transparent manner. Facilitate 2 Learning Exchanges over the course of the school year.
  5. Give feedback to or share learning with other groups and organizations.
  6. Explore, play and tinker.
We also drafted up a group manifesto. See the image below to learn more about this group's ethos:

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